Specific examples of different quality metrics based on different classes of data:


In vitro/cell-based chemical activity:


Quality Control Metrics: n=>3 data points per concentration; concentration coverage within 3 logs of EC50/IC50; data will include measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, etc.) and measures of variability (SD, SEM, 95% CI, etc.)

Key Factors for Metadata: Cell line/vector information; assay conditions; instrumentation platform

Data Repositories: PDSP, PubChem, or other suitable repositories

Tracking Identifiers: DOI for weblink

Release Policy: Available immediately after QC metrics met (20% delayed until pre-print deposition in bioRxiv)


Mouse pharmacological activity:


Quality Control Metrics: n=>3 data points per dose; attempt at dose response; data will include measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, etc.) and measures of variability (SD, SEM, 95% CI, etc.)

Key Factors for Metadata: Mouse line RRID#, in-house husbandry conditions, compound vehicle, etc.

Data Repositories: primary data in KOMP; knowledge summary in KMC

Tracking Identifiers: DOI for weblink

Release Policy: Available immediately after QC metrics met, (20% delayed until pre-print deposition in bioRxiv)


Mouse protein expression profiling by light-sheet microscopy


Quality Control Metrics: Tracking in at least 2 mice per sex

Key Factors for Metadata: Mouse line RRID#, in-house husbandry conditions, instrumentation platform, analysis software version #

Data Repositories: Primary data in-house, to be made available upon request; knowledge summary in KMC

Tracking Identifiers: DOI for weblink

Release Policy: Available immediately after QC metrics met (20% delayed until pre-print deposition in bioRxiv)


Specific examples of different quality metrics based on different classes of physical resources and reagents:



Antibody Resources: Measurable signals are not detected in negative controls lacking the expression of the target protein.



Cell-based Resources: Mycoplasma contamination testing, karyotyping and genomic testing for modifications to detect genetic drift.



Chemical Probe: Chemical Probe: Potency: In vitro potency of <100 nM; Selectivity: >30-fold selectivity vs other subfamilies; Cell activity: Significant on-target cell activity at 1 µM; Negative control. Follow probe definitions by SGC.



Chemical Resources: Quality control metrics will be adopted from the American Chemical Society, purity >95% by HPLC for distribution and synthetic chemical route.



Chemical Tool: Potency: IC50 <100 nM for dark kinase; Selectivity: S10 at 1 uM <0.05 in large kinome panel; Cell activity: IC50 <1uM by NanoBRET assay



Genetic Constructs: Addgene provides full re-sequencing of all constructs provided.
(link: https://help.addgene.org/hc/en-us/articles/206135535-What-type-of-Quality-Control-does-Addgene-perform)



Mouse Lines: Genotype testing, modification identification, pathogen screening, cryopreservation/cryorecovery and viability. Follow MMRRC quality control and reproducibility assurances.
(link: https://www.mmrrc.org/about/Reproducibility_Assurances_Handout_DS.pdf)



Peptide Resources: High-quality peptides that satisfy the guidelines by the National Cancer Institute's Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium ( CPTAC).


Page reviewed March 12, 2024